To your left: My Work (OoOOoooo)
God I love my job. Let me just say it once more. I love my job. Really, I do. Despite the sometimes stressful nature of making sure all the mailings are sent out on time and properly, my internship comes with the greatest perks. Not only do I get to meet weekly with the different departments within my record label to pick the executives’ brains, but I also get to go to concerts. And it’s not that I just get to go to concerts. Oh no. I get to sit in the 10th row for free and then go backstage to meet the bands and performers.
About two weeks ago, my internship sent me and some of the other interns to the Hinder and 3 Doors Down concert in New Jersey. The group of us hoped into an expense-paid car to make the hour journey into the neighboring city. We made our way to our prime seats and jammed to musicians that we normally listen to at 100 percent volume in the office. Going backstage to meet the bands was just an added bonus and the whole car ride back we giggled about how amazing our lives are.

A few days ago, none other than Kevin Costner

To your right: My Playtime - Featuring a water show and Japenese karaoke at an Irish bar with a Canadian and a Bulgarian. (AHhhhh)
A little while ago my friend, Irena, came to visit. She has been dying for a guest appearance in this blog so here it is:
Presenting, in person, that 5-foot-6 bundle of dynamite, Irena, the Bulgarian.
Since she hadn’t been to New York in years, she was determined to partake in adventures that Jess and I had not yet embarked upon. So the three of us took on a water show.
Perhaps it’s one of NYC best kept secrets, but kayaking on the Hudson River off of Pier 96 is free. Yes, that’s right folks. For no money at all, you can get a locker to store your purse, a life jacket, a kayak and a paddle. All you have to do is bring yourself. Irena and I double kayaked with me in back and her in front. Jess managed her own. It had been so long since my Girl Scout days and kayaking that I nearly forgot just how much fun it is to get your ass wet from the sunken seats and fight about which way to paddle if you want to turn left. To make the time even more enjoyable, we sang Pocahontas songs as we mushed through the water, and I realized that sometimes the best things in life are reminiscent of your childhood.

It was my goal this summer to sing at a karaoke bar. It only seemed appropriate, being in a city of performers and all, that I would perform. So I dragged Jess, some of our friends from work (including a Canadian intern) and some of our friends from home (including Irena) to a sing with me at bar called Stout.
I know, I know, it sounds like the start of a bad joke, doesn’t it? So a Jew, a Bulgarian and a Canadian walk into an Irish bar…little did they know they would make fools of themselves singing everything from Jessie’s Girl to All I Want for Christmas is You to Tenacious D covers and then leave at 3 in the morning. Aw heck, who am I kidding? These are the nights I live for.
Intermission: “Get your peanuts, get your popcorn”
The cotton candy man is played by young designers at the Young Designers Market. The popcorn sellers are the ever-so-influential SoHo boutiques. And lavish nightlife will be filling in for the peanut guy.
Sometimes, I feel like a little kid at the circus ready to throw a temper tantrum when my parents say that I can’t purchase the over-priced goods. It seems that in NYC everyone is selling something I simply can’t resist. Whether it’s a great dress, my ideal pair of boots or expensive food and drinks at the hottest restaurants in town, I can’t help but become the wide-eyed girl wanting a little bit of everything. But I’m not a little kid any more, and temper tantrums don’t get me anywhere when there is no money in my bank account. So I admiringly look at all the things I want and then leave...or order an appetizer.
Honestly though, how can you go to the circus and not even bring home one souvenir just to show your friends that you were actually there? No parent in their right-mind could argue that. So I had to give in a little at the Young Designers Market.

Every weekend in the part of town somewhere between Chinatown and Little Italy, the Young Designers Market opens its doors to reveal some of the city’s up-and-coming designers, including clothing creators and jewelers, so my friend Emily and I were dying to go. Each article of clothing and accessory is more artistic or more funky or more fabulous than the next, and I chose to treat myself to a simple, embroidered dress that will go great with my dream boots, once I find (and can afford) them. I bartered with the young woman and left feeling proud that I not only got a great deal, but also that I had landed a one-of-a-kind dress by a potentially huge designer.
Scuttle in now folks. The lights are dimming. The show’s a go. Come one, come all. You don’t wanna miss this one: a disappearing act. (Awww)
A week ago my partner in crime left. (Notice our good-bye dinner picture)
Jess only booked housing for eight weeks, so she packed her bags and head home leaving me high and dry. Life in this city for me just isn’t the same. To top it off, my other two roommates have left for good too. So now I am attempting to enjoy some peace and quiet in my apartment. The problem is I can’t seem to find the quiet in my own mind.
Do you know that the other evening I almost (I repeat, almost) went to a movie by myself? Then, of course, I came to and realized there’s no need to pity myself for not having someone to do everything with during every second of my day. But just as this summer has, this past week has taught me a lot. Being alone is something I desperately need practice on. Thank God I made tons of other friends this summer who have been keeping my busy gallivanting around town for meals and window shopping.
Now if you will, silence please. In the center ring of my three-ring spectacle, of course, is me.
With nearly too much alone time on my hands, I spent hours thinking about myself, where I came from and my passions. My aunt came to visit and took me to see “In The Heights,” the Broadway show that recently won multiple Tony awards. Watching the performers sing and dance with exorbitant amounts of energy on stage didn’t leave me feeling happy. It left me feeling like a part of me was missing. The whole reason I fell in lust with New York back in the day was because it served as home to my beloved musical theatre. It was the heart, the passion, to my very existence. And every part of me yearned to be back in the city before this summer so that I could revel in arts.
The show inspired me. Thanks to the handy-dandy internet, I googled my favorite dance studio in the city, Broadway Dance Center, and showed up to take a 2 hour jazz class. Like a dehydrated man finally taking a sip of water, I rekindled a fervor within me, and felt happy again to be alone in my own skin. Sometime between college and internships, I forgot about my old friend and outlet, dancing, and I have since vowed to myself that every once in a while I’ll go back to it.
Because this is The KP Spectacular, the greatest show on earth, I have some special guest appearances for the grand finale. Sandra Oh, Heather Graham, and the bachelor from the first season of The Bachelor will now briefly enter my circus.
When walking around Union Square and the Meatpacking district, I spotted all these characters. Let’s face it: it wouldn’t be a true New York experience if I didn’t have some random celeb run-ins. You didn’t honestly think that in my two-and-a-half months here I wouldn’t happen to bump into some stars, did you? These serendipitous meetings were kinda like what the elephant act is to the circus – they gave that little extra oomph to my summer that I just can’t seem to forget.

Intermission: “Get your peanuts, get your popcorn”
The cotton candy man is played by young designers at the Young Designers Market. The popcorn sellers are the ever-so-influential SoHo boutiques. And lavish nightlife will be filling in for the peanut guy.
Sometimes, I feel like a little kid at the circus ready to throw a temper tantrum when my parents say that I can’t purchase the over-priced goods. It seems that in NYC everyone is selling something I simply can’t resist. Whether it’s a great dress, my ideal pair of boots or expensive food and drinks at the hottest restaurants in town, I can’t help but become the wide-eyed girl wanting a little bit of everything. But I’m not a little kid any more, and temper tantrums don’t get me anywhere when there is no money in my bank account. So I admiringly look at all the things I want and then leave...or order an appetizer.
Honestly though, how can you go to the circus and not even bring home one souvenir just to show your friends that you were actually there? No parent in their right-mind could argue that. So I had to give in a little at the Young Designers Market.

Every weekend in the part of town somewhere between Chinatown and Little Italy, the Young Designers Market opens its doors to reveal some of the city’s up-and-coming designers, including clothing creators and jewelers, so my friend Emily and I were dying to go. Each article of clothing and accessory is more artistic or more funky or more fabulous than the next, and I chose to treat myself to a simple, embroidered dress that will go great with my dream boots, once I find (and can afford) them. I bartered with the young woman and left feeling proud that I not only got a great deal, but also that I had landed a one-of-a-kind dress by a potentially huge designer.
Scuttle in now folks. The lights are dimming. The show’s a go. Come one, come all. You don’t wanna miss this one: a disappearing act. (Awww)
A week ago my partner in crime left. (Notice our good-bye dinner picture)

Do you know that the other evening I almost (I repeat, almost) went to a movie by myself? Then, of course, I came to and realized there’s no need to pity myself for not having someone to do everything with during every second of my day. But just as this summer has, this past week has taught me a lot. Being alone is something I desperately need practice on. Thank God I made tons of other friends this summer who have been keeping my busy gallivanting around town for meals and window shopping.
Now if you will, silence please. In the center ring of my three-ring spectacle, of course, is me.
With nearly too much alone time on my hands, I spent hours thinking about myself, where I came from and my passions. My aunt came to visit and took me to see “In The Heights,” the Broadway show that recently won multiple Tony awards. Watching the performers sing and dance with exorbitant amounts of energy on stage didn’t leave me feeling happy. It left me feeling like a part of me was missing. The whole reason I fell in lust with New York back in the day was because it served as home to my beloved musical theatre. It was the heart, the passion, to my very existence. And every part of me yearned to be back in the city before this summer so that I could revel in arts.
The show inspired me. Thanks to the handy-dandy internet, I googled my favorite dance studio in the city, Broadway Dance Center, and showed up to take a 2 hour jazz class. Like a dehydrated man finally taking a sip of water, I rekindled a fervor within me, and felt happy again to be alone in my own skin. Sometime between college and internships, I forgot about my old friend and outlet, dancing, and I have since vowed to myself that every once in a while I’ll go back to it.
Because this is The KP Spectacular, the greatest show on earth, I have some special guest appearances for the grand finale. Sandra Oh, Heather Graham, and the bachelor from the first season of The Bachelor will now briefly enter my circus.
When walking around Union Square and the Meatpacking district, I spotted all these characters. Let’s face it: it wouldn’t be a true New York experience if I didn’t have some random celeb run-ins. You didn’t honestly think that in my two-and-a-half months here I wouldn’t happen to bump into some stars, did you? These serendipitous meetings were kinda like what the elephant act is to the circus – they gave that little extra oomph to my summer that I just can’t seem to forget.
While my past 10 weeks were jam-packed with more fun than I could have ever even hoped for, I am finally preparing for my departure this Saturday. I’m slowly packing up the ol’ circus tent after going out with a bang because all good things must come to an end. But what can I say? I guess I can’t run away to the circus forever. 

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